Pointed gourd is well - known vegetable in the Indian sub -continent and is commonly known as parwal . All the members of the gourd family provide many health benefits and they are especially good in the treatment of urinary problems and diabetes.
Improves digestion
Pointed gourd is a vegetable that has a high content of fiber , which enhances the digestive health . It also helps in treating some liver ailments and problems associated with the digestive system . If your digestive system is able to digest food properly , it will remain clear and in turn improve your all health
Treats constipation
Constipation is not as simple as we consider it to be because chronic constipation , if untreated , can lead to various serious health problems . This is because the waste food remains sitting in the intestines and can cause different ailments . Constipation can occur due to less intake of water or due to high intake of minerals like iron . The seeds in bitter gourd prevent to ease the passage of stools and this why this veggie is recommended for people who suffer from constipation .
Controls blood sugar
If you are preparing a dish from pointed gourd you should not throw away the seeds because they help in controlling blood sugar levels . Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and can also be caused due to hereditary facters . However , you can control the blood sugar levels by including parwal in good amounts in your diet .