ABOUT THERMAL ENERGY Thermal energy is the energy that comes heat. This heat is generated by the movement of tiny parti- cles within an object. The faster these particles move, the more heat is generated. Stoves and matches are ex- amples of objects that conduct thermal energy. Interesting Thermal Energy Facts: ■Thermal energy is a purt of the total energy of any object. ■Thermal energy is retated to the temperature of an object. ■ The joule is the unit used to measure thermal energy. ■Unlike other forms of energy, thermal energy is difficult to convert to other forms of energy. ■When thermal energy is transferred from or to an object, it is called heat. ■Since heat is known as a process, objects cannot contain heat. Objects contain thermal energy. ■In order to convert thermal energy into other forms of energy, a machine such as an engine is needed, ■Unlike other forms of energy. the amount of thermal energy is not dependent upon the amount of work an object perf...
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